Fundraising Platform

K12 Lunches Inc provides an easy to use integrated online solution for managing school hot lunch and fundraising programs. The system was built with a focus on inclusion, accessibility and ease of use.  

Makes Fundraising Easier

The K12 system enables schools to manage menus, orders, communicate with food providers and parents to help make fundraising easier.  It also enables families to manage students, order meals and pay online while getting valuable nutrition and allergy information while supporting their children’s school.

With K12 no other software, licenses, merchant account or payment provider is needed.  We take care of it all so you can focus on maximizing fundraising potential.  Our program will reduce costs and save hundreds of hours in manual work involved with running school fundraising programs.  

We are dedicated to helping schools develop hot lunch and fundraising programs that are inclusive and accessible for all families ensuring all kids have access to safe and healthy school meals.  With that goal in mind, a portion of our proceeds will be donated to Food Banks of Canada as well as Regional Food programs that reduce food insecurities for kids.

Contact us to learn how the K12 LUNCHES
system works and how it benefits schools,
families, suppliers and food providers.

Video tour

UX Design

Different strokes for different folks

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